Intolerance of Uncertainty, Estimated Consensus, and the False Consensus Effect


  • Krzysztof Mudyń



intolerance of uncertainty, estimated consensus, false consensus effect


False consensus means a tendency to overestimate the frequency of one’s views and preferences compared to others in the population. The factors that determine the strength of this tendency are still being explored. Research on a sample of 246 students examined the relationship between the level of intolerable uncertainty, measured by the Polish version of the Intolerance Uncertainty Scale (IUS-12), and the strength of the estimated and false consensus. It was assumed that people with less tolerance to uncertainty were more likely to overestimate the universality of their opinions. People with low (lower quartile) and high (upper quartile) uncertainty tolerance were compared using two indicators: the magnitudes of the estimated consensus and the false consensus. It was found that people with low uncertainty tolerance frequently overestimated their own choices: t(121) = -2.03, p = 0.022 compared to people with high tolerance; the second indicator confirmed the expected relationship only at the level of the trend: t(121) = -1.48, p = 0.071. Also, it was shown that people with low tolerance to uncertainty more often chose the less radical options of “probably yes” or “probably no”: t(121)


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How to Cite

Mudyń, K. (2019). Intolerance of Uncertainty, Estimated Consensus, and the False Consensus Effect. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 12, 39–62.


