Pathological obsession in close relationships – the characteristic of the stalking phenomenon
Stalking, Stalker, Obsessional fallowing, Obsessional harassmentAbstract
Stalking is defined as obsessive harassment, obsessive following, emotional violence, or pathology of love. Stalking is defined as “the wilful, malicious, and repeated following or harassing of another person that threatens his or her safety”. A stalker is an individual who stalks or engages in these behaviours. The constellation of behaviours associated with stalking can cover a wide range of activities that may not particularly be threatening to the uninvolved observer, for example: giving unwanted gifts or flowers, sending letters, e-mails. However, it may involve written or implied threats and acts of violence. The most severe stalker behaviours may lead to rape or murder. Exploration of stalking is important because of its serious negative consequences for the victims, such as mental, health, social, and economic problems. The aim of the article is the integration of theoretical and empiricalknowledge about stalkers. The article includes the characteristics and typology of stalkers, ethology theories connected with this crime, and the consequences for victims.References
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Hirtenlehner, H., Starzer, B., & Weber, C. (2012). A differential phenomenology of stalking: Using latent class analysis to identify different types of stalking victimization. International Review of Victimology, 18, 207-227.
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How to Cite
Tomaszek, K. (2017). Pathological obsession in close relationships – the characteristic of the stalking phenomenon. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 10(1), 161–188. Retrieved from