Difficult experiences of adoptive parents of children with FAS


  • Agnieszka Lasota
  • Pulina Grzywacz




adoptive parents, fetal alcohol syndrome, FAS, emotions, diagnosis, therapy


This article presents the dilemmas and problems faced by adoptive families who raise a child with an FAS diagnosis or suspicion of FASD. Therapeutic and supportive action is possible thanks to correct diagnosis as early as possible when a family adopts a child who is experiencing specific issues related to emotions, and developmental research, a quantitative and content analysis of adoptive parents’ statements regarding the difficulties experienced in raising children with FAS was undertaken. The results indicate that parents often share information about a child’s development, diagnosis, and therapy. An extremely important issue raised by parents was the assessment of cooperation with the relevant adoption center and experiencing difficult emotions that parents often cannot cope with on their own. The results indicate the need to offer longterm emotional, motivational and instrumental support to adoptive families.


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How to Cite

Lasota, A., & Grzywacz, P. (2019). Difficult experiences of adoptive parents of children with FAS. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 12, 138–163. https://doi.org/10.24917/20845596.12.7


