Review of studies concerning developmental theory-of-mind deficits in children with FASD


  • Joanna Kossewska
  • Katarzyna Kowalska
  • Łukasz Krzywoszański



Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, FASD, theory of mind, developmental deficits


Children exposed to alcohol in the prenatal period of development may experience various postnatal developmental problems. One of the competences that is impeded or delayed as a result of the teratogenic influence of alcohol drunk by the mother during pregnancy is the development of theory of mind. The presented article provides a literature review based on the existing research findings on fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and outlines the developmental theory-of-mind deficits that are associated with it. The review of current research does not allow comprehensive outcome of the relationship between FASD and theory-of-mind deficits because the number of research carried out within this scope is scarce. Further research on developmental theory-of-mind deficits in children with FASD in the context of the model by Baron- Cohen is postulated.


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How to Cite

Kossewska, J. ., Kowalska, K., & Krzywoszański, Łukasz. (2019). Review of studies concerning developmental theory-of-mind deficits in children with FASD. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 12, 117–137.




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