Experiencing parental divorce in childhood. Attachment styles and communication in intimate relationships in young adulthood


  • Zofia Kardasz
  • Dominika Dudka




divorce, attachment styles, communication, intimate relationships


Today, over 1/3 of all marriages entered into each year end in divorce. Children struggle with a whole spectrum of negative influences as a result. The purpose of this study was to investigate the negative aspects of divorce and its effect on the functioning of children of divorced parents in their adult lives. The study considered the effects of divorce on intimate relationships; particular attention is paid to the influence of parental divorce on the communication and attachment styles of the intimate relationships of adults whose parents are divorced. Having studied the cases of 101 people (50 people from an active research group and 51 from a control group) using the “Marital and Partner Communication Questionnaire” and the “Attachment Styles Questionnaire”, one can conclude that people from the active research group more often perform actions that devalue their partners. They are less likely to show commitment and support in relationships in comparison to the control group. Furthermore, adult children of divorce score higher results on the scale of avoidant and anxious-resistant attachment styles than the control group.


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How to Cite

Kardasz, Z., & Dudka, D. (2019). Experiencing parental divorce in childhood. Attachment styles and communication in intimate relationships in young adulthood. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 12, 259–273. https://doi.org/10.24917/20845596.12.13


