The value system at two stages of education of youths in early adolescence


  • Beata Łubiank
  • Sara Filipiak



early adolescence, value system, education, longitudinal studies


The presented research concerns the psychological analysis of the youth value system during early adolescence. The research was conducted on students at two different stages of education: primary school and junior high school. A total of 910 students were examined across 9 schools in Lublin. Two parallel groups were established, with 455 students in each group. The Polish adaptation of the “Picture-Based Value Survey for Children” test (PBVS-Cv2) by Cieciuch and Harasimczuk, based on the theory of values by Schwartz, was used. The examined groups revealed statistically significant differences regarding three categories of values: tradition, conformity, and power. Junior high-school students, unlike sixth-graders, attributed higher importance to social status, prestige and exerting control over people and resources. In turn, primary school students were more eager to demonstrate a respect for and an acceptance of the norms and principles which are important in society and crucial for the cultivation of traditions. The findings are discussed in the context of developmental changes in the psychosocial functioning of adolescents concerning contemporary transformations in the education system. This research is the first stage of a longitudinal research project planned for the next three years. The final results will hopefully demonstrate developmental changes in the structure of values in early adolescence.


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How to Cite

Łubiank, B., & Filipiak, S. (2019). The value system at two stages of education of youths in early adolescence. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 12, 98–116.


