Marriage in perception of mother of child with autism spectrum disorders


  • Kinga Zdanowicz
  • Ewa Zasępa


autism spectrum disorders, image of marriage, marriage satisfaction, sense of success of marriage


The aim of the present study was to designate the image of marriage from the perceptive of the mother of a child with autism spectrum disorder. In the study, 60 women participated, who have at least one child. The experimental group included 30 women, who have a child with autism spectrum disorder the control group consisted of 30 women, who have healthy offspring. Two instruments were used in this research: the Questionnaire of Selected Marriage constructed by Plopa and Rostowski and the Scale of Success of Marriage by Braun-Gałkowska. An analysis of the study has shown an occurrence of intergroup difference in regard to the designated image of marriage.


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How to Cite

Zdanowicz, K., & Zasępa, E. (2017). Marriage in perception of mother of child with autism spectrum disorders. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 10(1), 147–160. Retrieved from


