Marital Satisfaction and Perception of Partner’s Communication Style Among Polish Married Adults


  • Monika Wysota


communication style, communication behaviors, marital satisfaction


The aim of the study was to investigate the association between marital satisfaction and the perception of partner’s communication style. It was hypothesized, on the basis of literature, that the perception of the partner’s communication behaviours; such as supportive, engaged, and depreciated, is related to marital satisfaction. The study design comprised of a correlational study in which participants were asked to fill in the questionnaires. The results indicated a significant correlation between marital satisfaction and the perception of partner communication style as supportive, engaged, and depreciated. The higher level of marital satisfaction was found in the married adults who perceived their partner’s communication style as highly supportive and engaged, but the least depreciated. The results confirmed the importance of communication between partners for their perceived satisfaction with the relationship.


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How to Cite

Wysota, M. (2015). Marital Satisfaction and Perception of Partner’s Communication Style Among Polish Married Adults. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 8(1), 163–167. Retrieved from


