Meaning Making Model by Crystal Park and Susan Folkman


  • Maciej Załuski
  • Marek Motyka


illness, meaning, coping, stress


The aim of this study is to present the Meaning Making Model developed by Crystal Park and Susan Folkman, which complements Richard Lasarus’ and Susan Folkman’s transactional theory of stress. This article familiarises the reader with basic premises of the model. The initial assumption concerns the relation between the understanding of the current difficult situation, which the individual needs to confront, and that person’s general understanding of his or her own life. In the opinion of the authors, the dissonance between the understanding of a specific situation and the understanding of life as a whole is a source of substantial stress. On the other hand, cognitive operations enabling adjustment of these two images reduce that stress. Consequently, the discussed model identifies a particular method of stress management, namely meaning-focused coping, or MFC. The article outlines the elements of this model, as well as conclusions drawn from its premises.


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How to Cite

Załuski, M., & Motyka, M. (2014). Meaning Making Model by Crystal Park and Susan Folkman. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 7(1), 103–114. Retrieved from


