Motivation in Learning to Play Musical Instrument. The Use of the Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement-Related


  • Julia Kaleńska-Rodzaj


musicians, achievement motivation, expectancy-value model of achievementrelated choices, expectancies for success, achievement values, psychology of music


One of the main aims of the paper is to present the Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement-Related Choices developed by Eccles’ research team (1983, 2007) against the classical expectancy-value model. The author describes an inventory developed by Eccles’ research team to measure psychological and social components of the model. She makes a review of recent papers, which verify the assumptions of the model in relation to learning to play a musical instrument. She indicates the practical implications of the model for psychology of music and music education.


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How to Cite

Kaleńska-Rodzaj, J. (2014). Motivation in Learning to Play Musical Instrument. The Use of the Expectancy-Value Model of Achievement-Related. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 7(1), 8–23. Retrieved from


