The Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity in Kenyan and Polish young women


  • Dorota Ryżanowska-Krzyżak
  • Elizabeth Ngozi Okpalaenwe



The Appearance-RS level, the risk factors for eating disorders, Kenyan and Polish young women


The aim of the research was to find cross-cultural differences in the Appearance-RS level, understood as a predictor of eating disorders (especially anorexia nervosa), by comparing obtained test results of young women from Poland and Kenya. The authors examined 62 Kenyan and 62 Polish women aged 19-25 using the ARS Scale by Park (2007). The results showed no significant cross-cultural difference between young women in the global Appearance-RS level related to country of origin and cultural background (Poland vs Kenya). The results may suggest that young women are predisposed to develop eating disorders for the same reasons in Kenyan as they are in Europe (among others: high Appearance-RS level).


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How to Cite

Ryżanowska-Krzyżak, D., & Ngozi Okpalaenwe, E. (2018). The Appearance-Based Rejection Sensitivity in Kenyan and Polish young women. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 11, 159–169.


