Family resilience – a new research challenge


  • Dominika Sznajder
  • Barbara Pietryga-Szkarłat



family, crisis, family resilience, research models


Researchers and practitioners dealing with the concept of resilience focus mainly on resilience in relation to the individual. However, there are relatively few studies devoted to family resilience. This situation is slowly changing. The need to look at the family, not only from the perspective of dysfunction, but also through its strengths and resources, is evident. Reliable research on family resilience processes, is needed to describe their properties and methods of action. Information obtained in this way will guide psychologists, practitioners, and therapists working in the field of prevention to strengthen the resilience of the family. In order for the conducted research to be reliable, allowing for the comparison of the obtained data, it is important for it to be embedded in theory. The purpose of this article is to present and briefly characterize the concepts and models of family resilience that can form the theoretical basis for research carried out in the area of family resilience.


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How to Cite

Sznajder, D., & Pietryga-Szkarłat, B. (2018). Family resilience – a new research challenge. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 11, 56–69.


