Formal and Subjective Features and Diverse Cognitive Maps of Urban Areas


  • Dominika Stryjewska
  • Bożena Janda-Dębek


cognitive maps, legibility, field dependence-independence, FDI, EFT, urbanized spaces


The subject of the paper is the analysis of relationships between the differentiation in the image of cognitive maps of urban spaces and factors related to the formal characteristics of the environment, as well as personal traits. Elements marked on sketch drawings of different types of urban spaces were analysed for differences in the level of detail. The SEM structural method was used and an empirical path model was used to present relationships between factors. Taking into account the categories that were used to analyse the acquired sketch maps, we can determine that sex, place of origin, as well as cognitive style all differentiate the character of sketch maps of different types of areas. Cognitive map images of people with the field-independent style and not originating from rural areas, were significantly more detailed for most types of objects appearing on them. The results obtained may be used by researchers studying cognitive map constructs as well as by urban planners or architects.


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How to Cite

Stryjewska, D., & Janda-Dębek, B. (2016). Formal and Subjective Features and Diverse Cognitive Maps of Urban Areas. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 9(1), 226–248. Retrieved from


