Cinematherapy as an Instrument of Psychological Change: Possible Mechanisms and Application


  • Anna Tylikowska


cinematherapy, art therapy, psychological change, psychotherapy, psychoeducation, cognitive behavioural therapy


Cinematherapy is a new therapeutic technique, classified as a form of art therapy. Its mechanisms have been described mostly in psychodynamic categories, such as identification, catharsis or insight. This article aims to present the variety of psychological mechanisms that are engaged in the potential efficacy of using films in psychotherapy. These include both the mechanisms described in psychodynamic theories, and the ones that are postulated in Bandura’s social cognitive theory. This theory underlines the importance of processes of learning new beliefs, expectancies, personal standards, emotional reactions, competencies, and general modification of cognitive schemas, which could be initiated, supported and strengthened by cinematherapy. The article proposes a social cognitive model of cinematherapy, clarifying its procedure and range of usefulness. The article also aims to indicate the potential efficacy of cinematherapy in categories of Prochaski and DiClemente’s transtheoretical model of change.


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How to Cite

Tylikowska, A. (2016). Cinematherapy as an Instrument of Psychological Change: Possible Mechanisms and Application. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 9(1), 127–141. Retrieved from


