Creative Personality and Selected Aspects of Social Functioning


  • Dominik Borawski


creative personality, social functioning, empathy, social competences, loneliness


The aim of the study was to research the connections between creative personality and different domains of social functioning: empathy, social competencies and relationship satisfaction. The theoretical basis of the creative personality notion was Stanislaw Popek’s Theory of Creative Attitudes. The sample consisted of 120 participants. The following investigative methods were used: the Creative Behaviour Questionnaire (KANH) by Popek, the Social Competencies Inventory (KKS) by Matczak, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index by Davis and the Rasch-Type Loneliness Scale by de Jong-Gierveld and Kamphuls (Polish adaptation by Rembowski). The research demonstrated that creative attitudes measured by KANH correspond with social competencies and the cognitive aspect of empathy, and that imitative attitudes are correlated with loneliness, lack of companionship and the situational feeling of abandonment.


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How to Cite

Borawski, D. (2016). Creative Personality and Selected Aspects of Social Functioning. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 9(1), 93–109. Retrieved from


