Perspektywa czasu u osób zdrowych i pacjentów cierpiących na raka lub cukrzycę
Słowa kluczowe:
orientacja temporalna, nowotwór układu pokarmowego, nowotwór płuc, cukrzyca typu 2Abstrakt
Wprowadzenie: Orientacja czasowa może znacząco wzmacniać zachowania prewencyjne dotyczące zdrowia i wpływać na wynik choroby przez wspomaganie zachowań prozdrowotnych. Celem badania jest porównanie perspektywy czasowej wykorzystywanej przez pacjentów z cukrzycą, chorobą nowotworową oraz ludzi zdrowych. Metody: Opisowe badanie przekrojowe zostało przeprowadzone na 300 pacjentach (105 osobach zdrowych, 195 pacjentach: 108 z cukrzycą typu 2 i 87 z rakiem piersi i układu trawiennego) w wieku od 20 do 70 lat (średnia wieku to 45,4). Próby zostały podzielone na trzy osobne grupy na podstawie przypadkowego doboru i dopasowane pod względem płci, wieku, wykształcenia i miesięcznego dochodu. Dane zebrane zostały za pomocą kwestionariusza ZTPI-56, a następnie ocenione analizą kowariancji (F test) po przeprowadzeniu testu najmniej znaczącej różnicy Fishera (LSD).Wyniki: Trzy grupy wykazały różne perspektywy postrzegania czasu (F = 4.213, p < 0.05) Wniosek: Wyniki pokazują, że choroba i jej rodzaj w znaczący sposób wpływają na preferowaną orientację czasową pacjentów. Dlatego w celach prewencyjnych, należy poprawiać perspektywę postrzegania czasu u osób funkcjonujących w warunkach choroby.Bibliografia
Anagnostopoulo, F., & Griva, F. (2011). Exploring Time Perspective in Greek Young Adults: Validation of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory and Relationships with Mental Health Indicators. Soc Indic Res, DOI 10.1007/s11205-011-9792-y.
Bitsko, M., Stern, M., Dillon, R., Russell, E. C., & Laver, J. (2008). Happiness and time perspective as potential mediators of quality of life and depression in adolescent cancer. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 50(3), 613-619.
Bjornebekk, G., & Gjesme, T. (2009). Motivation and Temporal Distance: Effect on Cognitive and Affective Manifestations. Psychological Reports, 105, 339-360. Doi: 10.2466/pr0.105.2.
Didarloo, A., Shojaeizadeh, D., Eftekhar Ardebili, H., Niknami, S., Hajizadeh, E., & Alizadeh, M. (2011). Factors Influencing Physical Activity Behavior among Iranian Women with Type 2 Diabetes Using the Extended Theory of Reasoned Action. Diabetes Metab. J., 35(5), 513-522.
Fieulaine, F., & Martinez, F. (2009). Does TP predict influenza vaccination: A longitudinal investigation among French elderly. European Congress of Psychology, Norway.
Gao, Y. J. (2011). Time perspective and life satisfaction among young adults in Taiwan. Social behaviour and personality, 39(6), 729-736.
Ghadimi, M., Rasouli, M., Mahmoodi, M., & Mohammad, K. (2011). Prognostic factors for the survival of patients with esophageal cancer in Northern Iran. J. Res. Med Sci., 16, 1261-1272.
Hamid, N. (2011). Effects of Stress Management Training on Glycemic Control in Women with Type 2 Diabetes. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 13(4), 346-353. Persian.
Hatamloy-sadabad, M., Babapour-karedin, J., & Porsharifi, H. (2011). The role of general causality orientations on self-care behaviours in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of behavioral sciences, 5(3), 245-251.
Leboric, N. (2010). The sovereignty of modern times: different concept of time and the modernist perspective. History and theory, 49, 281-288.
Liniauskaite, A. (2007). Psichologinio laiko klausimynas: psychometrines charakteristikos. Psichologija, 36, 44-59.
Osin, E., Boniwell, I., Linley, P. A., & Ivanchenko, G. (2009). Balanced time perspective in Britain and in Russia. Paper presented at the First World Congress on Positive Psychology, 18-21 June 2009, Philadelphia, USA.
Pelard, J., Apostolidis, T., Ben Soussan, P., Goncalves, A. (2008). Psychosocial approach of the speech of women in metastatic relapse of a breast cancer: The question of temporality. Bulletin du cancer, 95(9), 859-869.
Thorne, S. E., Hislop, T. G., Stajduhar, K., & Oglov, V. (2009). Time-related communication skills from the cancer patient perspective. Psycho-oncology, 18, 500-507.
Van Laarhoven, H. W., Schilderman, J., Verhagen, C. A., Vissers, K. C., & Prins, J. (2011). Perspectives on death and an afterlife in relation to quality of life, depression, and hopelessness in cancer patients without evidence of disease and advanced cancer patients. J. Pain Symptom. Manage., 41(6), 1048-1059.
Wanger, C. V., Semmler, C., Power, E., & Good, A. (2010). What matters when deciding whether to participate in colorectal cancer screening? He moderating role of time perspective. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 15(1), 20-30.
Zambianchi, M., Ricci Bitti, P. E. (2008). Adopting a systemic-interactionist perspective of human development. Psicologia della Salute, 2, 43-62.
Zambianchi, M., Ricci Bitti, P. E., Paola, G. (2010). Time Perspective, personal agenda, and adoption of risk behaviours in adolescence. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 2, 397-414.
Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (1999). Putting time in perspective: A valid, reliable individualdifferences metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1271-1288.
Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (2008). The Time Paradox. New York: Free Press.
Bitsko, M., Stern, M., Dillon, R., Russell, E. C., & Laver, J. (2008). Happiness and time perspective as potential mediators of quality of life and depression in adolescent cancer. Pediatric Blood & Cancer, 50(3), 613-619.
Bjornebekk, G., & Gjesme, T. (2009). Motivation and Temporal Distance: Effect on Cognitive and Affective Manifestations. Psychological Reports, 105, 339-360. Doi: 10.2466/pr0.105.2.
Didarloo, A., Shojaeizadeh, D., Eftekhar Ardebili, H., Niknami, S., Hajizadeh, E., & Alizadeh, M. (2011). Factors Influencing Physical Activity Behavior among Iranian Women with Type 2 Diabetes Using the Extended Theory of Reasoned Action. Diabetes Metab. J., 35(5), 513-522.
Fieulaine, F., & Martinez, F. (2009). Does TP predict influenza vaccination: A longitudinal investigation among French elderly. European Congress of Psychology, Norway.
Gao, Y. J. (2011). Time perspective and life satisfaction among young adults in Taiwan. Social behaviour and personality, 39(6), 729-736.
Ghadimi, M., Rasouli, M., Mahmoodi, M., & Mohammad, K. (2011). Prognostic factors for the survival of patients with esophageal cancer in Northern Iran. J. Res. Med Sci., 16, 1261-1272.
Hamid, N. (2011). Effects of Stress Management Training on Glycemic Control in Women with Type 2 Diabetes. Iranian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 13(4), 346-353. Persian.
Hatamloy-sadabad, M., Babapour-karedin, J., & Porsharifi, H. (2011). The role of general causality orientations on self-care behaviours in patients with type 2 diabetes. Journal of behavioral sciences, 5(3), 245-251.
Leboric, N. (2010). The sovereignty of modern times: different concept of time and the modernist perspective. History and theory, 49, 281-288.
Liniauskaite, A. (2007). Psichologinio laiko klausimynas: psychometrines charakteristikos. Psichologija, 36, 44-59.
Osin, E., Boniwell, I., Linley, P. A., & Ivanchenko, G. (2009). Balanced time perspective in Britain and in Russia. Paper presented at the First World Congress on Positive Psychology, 18-21 June 2009, Philadelphia, USA.
Pelard, J., Apostolidis, T., Ben Soussan, P., Goncalves, A. (2008). Psychosocial approach of the speech of women in metastatic relapse of a breast cancer: The question of temporality. Bulletin du cancer, 95(9), 859-869.
Thorne, S. E., Hislop, T. G., Stajduhar, K., & Oglov, V. (2009). Time-related communication skills from the cancer patient perspective. Psycho-oncology, 18, 500-507.
Van Laarhoven, H. W., Schilderman, J., Verhagen, C. A., Vissers, K. C., & Prins, J. (2011). Perspectives on death and an afterlife in relation to quality of life, depression, and hopelessness in cancer patients without evidence of disease and advanced cancer patients. J. Pain Symptom. Manage., 41(6), 1048-1059.
Wanger, C. V., Semmler, C., Power, E., & Good, A. (2010). What matters when deciding whether to participate in colorectal cancer screening? He moderating role of time perspective. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 15(1), 20-30.
Zambianchi, M., Ricci Bitti, P. E. (2008). Adopting a systemic-interactionist perspective of human development. Psicologia della Salute, 2, 43-62.
Zambianchi, M., Ricci Bitti, P. E., Paola, G. (2010). Time Perspective, personal agenda, and adoption of risk behaviours in adolescence. Psicologia Clinica dello Sviluppo, 2, 397-414.
Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (1999). Putting time in perspective: A valid, reliable individualdifferences metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1271-1288.
Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (2008). The Time Paradox. New York: Free Press.
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Nozari, M. ., Janbabai, G., & Dousti, Y. (2013). Perspektywa czasu u osób zdrowych i pacjentów cierpiących na raka lub cukrzycę. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 6(1), 157–165. Pobrano z