Niezdecydowanie zawodowe a orientacja temporalna
Słowa kluczowe:
typy niezdecydowania zawodowego, perspektywa czasowa, analiza skupieńAbstrakt
Przedmiotem zainteresowania w ramach niniejszych badań jest tzw. stan niezdecydowania zawodowego w powiązaniu z perspektywą postrzegania czasu przez uczniów szkoły średniej. W dotychczasowych pracach analizowano głównie związek między orientacją przyszłościową a niezdecydowaniem zawodowym, z pominięciem innych wymiarów perspektywy czasowej (przeszłej i teraźniejszej). Celem niniejszego badania stało się zatem wypełnienie tej luki za pomocą Kwestionariusza Postrzegania Czasu (Zimbardo i Boyd, 1999) oraz Czynnikowego Inwentarza Kariery (Chartrand, Robbins, Morrill i Boggs, 1990) zastosowanego na próbie 683 uczniów szkoły średniej. Wyniki wskazują, że poszczególne odmiany perspektywy postrzegania czasu są ściśle powiązane z typem niezdecydowania zawodowego. Uczniowie z grup określonych jako „Poszukiwacze drogi” oraz „Gotowi do decyzji” charakteryzują się zrównoważoną perspektywę czasową. U „Chronicznie niezdecydowanych” wzorzec perspektywy postrzegania czasu zdominowany jest przez czynnik negatywnej przeszłości przy jednoczesnej niskiej orientacji na przyszłość. „Obawiający się wyboru” osiągnęli niższe rezultaty we wszystkich czynnikach TP (oprócz TP Negatywnej Przeszłości) niż którakolwiek z pozostałych grup.Bibliografia
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Brown, T. A. (2006). Confirmatory Factor Analysis for applied research. New York: Guilford.
Chartrand, J. M., Robbins, S. B., Morrill, W. H., & Boggs, K. (1990). Development and validation of the Career Factors Inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 37(4), 491-501.
Chartrand, J. M., & Nutter, K. J. (1996). The Career Factors Inventory: Theory and Applications. Journal of Career Assessment, 4(2), Spring, 205-218.
Cohen, R. C., Chartrand, J. M., & Jowdy, D. P. (1995). Relationships between career indecision subtypes and ego identity development. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42(4), 440-447.
Crites, J. O. (1978). Theory and Research Handbook for the Career Maturity Inventory. Monterey, Ca: CTB/McGraw-Hill.
Drake, L., Duncan, E., Sutherland, F., Abernethy, C., & Henry, C. (2008). Time perspective and correlates of wellbeing. Time & Society, 17(1), 47-61.
Eren, A., & Tezel, K. V. (2010). Factors influencing teaching choice, professional plans about teaching and future time perspective: A mediatonal analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1416-1428.
Ferrari, L., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2010). Time perspective and indecision in young and older adolescents. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 38(1), 61-82.
Fuqua, D. R., & Hartman, B. W. (1983). Differential diagnosis and treatment of career indecision. The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 62, 27-30.
Holland, J. L., Gottfriedson, G. D., & Nafziger, D. H. (1975). Testing the validity of some theoretical signs of vocational decision-making ability. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 22(5), 411-422.
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Janeiro, I. N. (2010). Motivational dynamics in the development of career attitudes among adolescents. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76, 170-177.
Jones, L. K., & Chenery, M. (1980). Multiple subtypes among vocationally undecided college students: A model and assessment instrument. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 27, 469-477.
Jones, L. K. (1989). Measuring a three-dimensional construct of career indecision among college students: A revision of the Vocational Decision Scale - The Career Decision Profile. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 36(4), 477-486.
Kelly, R. K., & Pulver, C. A. (2003). Refining measurement of career indecision types: A validity study. Journal of Counselling & Development, 81, 445-454.
Keough, K. A., Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (1999). Who’s smoking, drinking and using drugs? Time perspective as a predictor of substance use. Basic and Applied Psychology, 21(2), 149-164.
Larson, L. M., Heppner, P. P., Ham, T., & Dugan, K. (1988). Investigating multiple subtypes of career indecision through cluster analysis. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 35, 439-446.
Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in the social sciences: Selected theoretical papers. New York: Harper.
Lukács, É. F. (2012). The connection of career decision and identity development: Types of career indecision from the perspective of identity statuses. Budapest: ELTE-PPK.
Marko, K. W., & Savickas, M. L. (1998). Effectiveness of a career time perspective intervention. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 52, 106-119.
Nurmi, J. E. (1991). How do adolescents see their future? A review of the development of future orientation and planning. Developmental Review, 11, 1-59.
Orosz, G., & Roland-Lévy, C. (under revision). Hungarian Validation of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Time & Society.
Osipow, S. H. (1999). Assessing career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 55, 147-154.
Savickas, M. L., Silling, S. M., & Schwartz, S. (1984). Time perspective in vocational maturity and career decision making. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 25, 258-269.
Savickas, M. L., & Jarjoura, D. (1991). The Career Decision Scale as a type indicator. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 38, 85-90.
Super, D. E., Osborne, W. L., Walsh, D. J., Brown, S. D., & Niles, S. G. (1992). Developmental Career Assessment and Counselling: The C-DAC Model. Journal of Counselling & Development, 71(1), 74-80.
Taber, B. J. (2013). Time perspective and career decision-making difficulties in adults. Journal of Career Assessment, 21(2), 200-209. DOI: 10,1177/1069072712466722.
Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (1999). Putting time in perspective: A valid, reliable individualdifferences metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1271-1288.
Wanberg, C. R., & Muchinsky, P. M. (1992). A typology of career decision status: Validity extension of the Vocational Decision Status Model. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 39(1), 71-80.
Walker, T. L., & Tracey, T. J. G. (2012). The role of future time perspective in career decisionmaking. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 81(2), 150-158.
Boniwell, I., & Zimbardo, P. G. (2004). Balancing Time Perspective in pursuit of optimal functioning. In: P. A. Linley & S. Joseph (Eds.), Positive Psychology in Practice (pp. 165-181). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Brown, T. A. (2006). Confirmatory Factor Analysis for applied research. New York: Guilford.
Chartrand, J. M., Robbins, S. B., Morrill, W. H., & Boggs, K. (1990). Development and validation of the Career Factors Inventory. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 37(4), 491-501.
Chartrand, J. M., & Nutter, K. J. (1996). The Career Factors Inventory: Theory and Applications. Journal of Career Assessment, 4(2), Spring, 205-218.
Cohen, R. C., Chartrand, J. M., & Jowdy, D. P. (1995). Relationships between career indecision subtypes and ego identity development. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 42(4), 440-447.
Crites, J. O. (1978). Theory and Research Handbook for the Career Maturity Inventory. Monterey, Ca: CTB/McGraw-Hill.
Drake, L., Duncan, E., Sutherland, F., Abernethy, C., & Henry, C. (2008). Time perspective and correlates of wellbeing. Time & Society, 17(1), 47-61.
Eren, A., & Tezel, K. V. (2010). Factors influencing teaching choice, professional plans about teaching and future time perspective: A mediatonal analysis. Teaching and Teacher Education, 26, 1416-1428.
Ferrari, L., Nota, L., & Soresi, S. (2010). Time perspective and indecision in young and older adolescents. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 38(1), 61-82.
Fuqua, D. R., & Hartman, B. W. (1983). Differential diagnosis and treatment of career indecision. The Personnel and Guidance Journal, 62, 27-30.
Holland, J. L., Gottfriedson, G. D., & Nafziger, D. H. (1975). Testing the validity of some theoretical signs of vocational decision-making ability. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 22(5), 411-422.
Holland, J. L., & Holland, J. E. (1977). Vocational indecision: More evidence and speculation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 24(5), 404-414.
Janeiro, I. N. (2010). Motivational dynamics in the development of career attitudes among adolescents. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 76, 170-177.
Jones, L. K., & Chenery, M. (1980). Multiple subtypes among vocationally undecided college students: A model and assessment instrument. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 27, 469-477.
Jones, L. K. (1989). Measuring a three-dimensional construct of career indecision among college students: A revision of the Vocational Decision Scale - The Career Decision Profile. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 36(4), 477-486.
Kelly, R. K., & Pulver, C. A. (2003). Refining measurement of career indecision types: A validity study. Journal of Counselling & Development, 81, 445-454.
Keough, K. A., Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (1999). Who’s smoking, drinking and using drugs? Time perspective as a predictor of substance use. Basic and Applied Psychology, 21(2), 149-164.
Larson, L. M., Heppner, P. P., Ham, T., & Dugan, K. (1988). Investigating multiple subtypes of career indecision through cluster analysis. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 35, 439-446.
Lewin, K. (1951). Field theory in the social sciences: Selected theoretical papers. New York: Harper.
Lukács, É. F. (2012). The connection of career decision and identity development: Types of career indecision from the perspective of identity statuses. Budapest: ELTE-PPK.
Marko, K. W., & Savickas, M. L. (1998). Effectiveness of a career time perspective intervention. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 52, 106-119.
Nurmi, J. E. (1991). How do adolescents see their future? A review of the development of future orientation and planning. Developmental Review, 11, 1-59.
Orosz, G., & Roland-Lévy, C. (under revision). Hungarian Validation of Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory. Time & Society.
Osipow, S. H. (1999). Assessing career indecision. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 55, 147-154.
Savickas, M. L., Silling, S. M., & Schwartz, S. (1984). Time perspective in vocational maturity and career decision making. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 25, 258-269.
Savickas, M. L., & Jarjoura, D. (1991). The Career Decision Scale as a type indicator. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 38, 85-90.
Super, D. E., Osborne, W. L., Walsh, D. J., Brown, S. D., & Niles, S. G. (1992). Developmental Career Assessment and Counselling: The C-DAC Model. Journal of Counselling & Development, 71(1), 74-80.
Taber, B. J. (2013). Time perspective and career decision-making difficulties in adults. Journal of Career Assessment, 21(2), 200-209. DOI: 10,1177/1069072712466722.
Zimbardo, P. G., & Boyd, J. N. (1999). Putting time in perspective: A valid, reliable individualdifferences metric. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77(6), 1271-1288.
Wanberg, C. R., & Muchinsky, P. M. (1992). A typology of career decision status: Validity extension of the Vocational Decision Status Model. Journal of Counselling Psychology, 39(1), 71-80.
Walker, T. L., & Tracey, T. J. G. (2012). The role of future time perspective in career decisionmaking. Journal of Vocational Behaviour, 81(2), 150-158.
Jak cytować
Lukacs, F. ., & Orosz, G. (2013). Niezdecydowanie zawodowe a orientacja temporalna. Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Psychologica, 6(1), 126–141. Pobrano z